My journey into Second Life, reminded me of The Girl Who Was Plugged In. Tiptree describes an adjustment period in which P. Burke must learn to control the new body she has been given in Delphi. P. Burke had to adjust to the new level of consciousness so that her movements and expressions would be genuine. This involved the dexterity it takes to grip a toothbrush, as well as balance, while in motion. Once I began Second Life, simple things like hand movements became foreign. Flying, although once complex, became simplified.
The snapshot that I took, shows my conversation with a resident who was happy to converse with me. He seemed like he was simply out for a stroll and enjoying the scenery. He was interested in the college course that involved Second Life. The snapshot shows how I gazed at the palm trees and beach on the island. I arrived there by accident and couldn't grasp the eerie coincidence that this place in Second Life was identical to my former real life residence on Ft. Myers Beach in South Florida. My house was not very far from this area.
Once I recovered from this shock, I asked my new friend how he came to choose his avatar. His initial response was that he was trying to imitate his appearance in real life. He was dressed in jeans, and I realized that his attire led me to believe that he would be friendly. Since he was dressed casually, I instantly thought that he wouldn't mind my casual approach. As we talked, he explained that he adapted well to Second Life. It did not take him very long to learn the ropes. He asked me questions as well, and was concerned with how well I was adapting. We discussed my school and major to which he responded, "cool".
This interaction, overall, made me less apprehensive about speaking with other residents. I also realized that my avatar may come across as a little scary. My initial goal was simplicity. The black jumpsuit seemed like a streamlined answer to clothing. I liked the goth-locked-and-loaded look, as opposed to party girl appearances which usually came equipped with vile pig-tails. I am however, going to try some new things that may tweak my image. I'm interested in appearing approachable. Maybe I can stand on the bridge between friendly and walking target. Just like in my real life, I became concerned about appearances and did not want to give the impression that I was vulnerable. I may adopt my friend's philosophy and imitate my physical appearance in real life.
1 comment:
Interesting: the similarities between Sl and your real life. Is this an imagined connection? Why is that "shocking"?
Good thoughts about appearance, being "approachable." How does this relate to 1st life?
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